VarSITI Closing Symposium
June 10÷14, 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria


Online Presentations from VarSITI Closing Symposium

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June 10  Monday
Big hall

9:30-10:30 Inaugural session:
Gopalswamy N., Overview of SCOSTEP (K)   
Shiokawa K., Georgieva K., A review on scientific achievements of the SCOSTEP VarSITI program (2014-2018) (K)   

11:00-11:30 Nandi D., SEE project (K)   

11:30-12:00 Zhang J., ISEST-MiniMax project (K)   

12:00-12:30 Kanekal S., SPeCIMEN project (K)   

12:30-13:00 Ward W., ROSMIC project (K)   

SCOSTEP's next scientific program
Chair: Jie Zhang

14:00-14:30 Daglis I., PRESTO program (K)   

14:30-14:55 Kusano K., Toward the physics-based prediction of solar storm (I)   

14:55-15:20 Dikpati M., Advances and limitations in physics-based predictions of short-term and decadal solar activity (I)   

Chair: Shri Kanekal

15:50-16:15 Dasso S., State of the art and gaps on the role of interplanetary structures on Sun-Earth coupling (I)  

16:15-16:40 Krivova N., Understanding and modelling solar and stellar radiative variability (I)   

16:40-17:05 Horne R.B., The predictability of the Earth’s radiation belts (I)   

17:05-17:25 Imada,  S., Iijima, H., Hotta, H., Kusano, K., Shiota D., Predicting solar cycle 25 using surface flux transport model (PSTEP)   

17:25-17:45 Nosé M.Practice of research data management in solar-terrestrial physics (I)   

Legend: (K) = keynote talk;       (I) = invited talk

June 11 Tuesday
Hall 1

Chair: Dibyendu Nandi

Hall 2

Chair: Franz-Josef Lübken

09:30-09:55 Obridko V.,  Ragulskaya M.,
Khramova E.
, Young Sun, galactic processes and the origin of life  

09:30-09:55 Qian L., Woods T.N., Solar flare effects on the thermosphere and ionosphere (I)  

09:55-10:15 Brun A.S., Strugarek A., The evolving solar-stellar dynamo (I)    

09:55-10:20 Miyoshi Y., Jin H., Fujiwara H., Shinagawa H., Upward propagation of gravity waves and its impact on the Thermosphere-Ionosphere system (I)  

10:15-10:40 Katsova M., The evolution of the solar-stellar activity   

10:20-10:40 Gavrilov M.N., Kshevetskii S.P., Dynamical and thermal effects of nonlinear acoustic-gravity waves in the upper atmosphere at high and low solar activity   

10:40-11:00 Nandi D., Bhowmik P.,
Century-scale reconstruction of solar activity and a prediction for sunspot cycle 25   

10:40-11:00 Takahashi H., Wrasse C.M., Figueiredo C.A.O.B., Barros D., Abdu M.A., Otsuka Y., Shiokawa K., Paulino I., Equatorial plasma bubble seeding under propagation of MSTIDs and MLT-gravity waves   

Hall 1

Chair: Vladimir Obridko

Hall 2

Chair: Viswanathan Lakshminarayanan

14:30-14:50 Gopalswamy N., Mäkelä P., Yashiro S., Akiyama S., Long-term Solar Activity Studies using Microwave Imaging Observations and Prediction for Cycle 25   

14:30-14:50 Pallamraju D., Singh R.P., Mandal S., Karan D.P., Laskar F.I., Investigations on upper atmospheric variability on a global scale due to the influence of solar forcing from above and vertical coupling from below   

14:50-15:10 Irbah A., Damé L., et al., Variations of solar oblateness with the 22-year magnetic cycle   

14:50-15:15 Yue J., Xu S., Xue X., Vadas S.L., Miller S.D., Azeem I., Straka W. III, Hoffmann L., Coupling of meteorology severe weather and space weather via the excitations and propagations of gravity waves (I)   

15:10-15:30 Hazra S., Brun A.S., Buchlin E., Strugarek A., Reville V., Perri B.. Role of Heating on Solar Wind Velocity and Temperature profiles   

15:15-15:35 Belehaki A., and TechTIDE EC consortium. Real-time identification of Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances and validation methodologies   

15:30-15:50 Kilcik A., Özgüc A., Long Term Temporal and Periodic Variation of Flare Index: Comparison with International Sunspot Number Time Series   

15:35-15:55 Shiokawa K., Otsuka Y., and the PWING Team Recent Results from the ground-based multi-point network observation of the upper atmosphere, ionosphere, and magnetosphere by the OMTIs and the PWING project   

15:50-16:10 Watanabe T., Data-led Study on the Sun-Earth Variability and its Relationship to Socio-Economic Activity in 18th-19th Centuries including the Dalton Minimum   

15:55-16:15 Lübken F.-J., ROMIC-2: A future perspective for a new SCOSTEP related science programme in Germany  

16:15-16:35 Roussev Ilia I., Present and future opportunities for geospace science research in the USA  

17:00-18:30   VarSITI STR meeting

Legend: (K) = keynote talk;       (I) = invited talk

June 12  Wednesday
Hall 1

Chair: Pertti Makela

Hall 2

Chair: Yoshi Miyoshi

09:30-09:50 Podgorny I.M., Podgorny A.I., Mechanism for solar flare based on energy storage in the magnetic field of the current sheet   

09:30-09:50 Kanekal S., Baker D., Sibeck D., Van Allen Probes observations of high energy radiation belt electrons and SEP protons: Space weather aspects   

09:50-10:10 Demetrescu C., Dobrica V., Georgieva K., Kirov B., External drivers of decadal variations in the geomagnetic field and Earth’s rotation   

09:50-10:10 Katsavrias C., Daglis I.A., Li W., On the cause of electron acceleration and loss in the outer Van Allen belt   

10:10-10:30 Yermolaev Yu.I.,  Lodkina I.G., Yermolaev M.Yu., Borodkova N.L., Riazantseva M.O., Properties of interplanetary drivers of magnetospheric disturbances   

10:10-10:30 Tsagouri I., Belehaki A., Koutroumbas K., Xenaki I., Quantifying ionospheric disturbances for user oriented applications   

10:30-10-50 Sarp V., Kilcik A., Possible non-linear interactions between some space weather parameters  

10:30-10-50 Miloch W.J., and IPIR team. Ionospheric plasma irregularities studied globally with the Swarm satellites   

10:50-11:10 Kukoleva A., Kononova N., Krivolutsky A., Response of circulation indexes in the lower atmosphere of Northern Hemisphere to solar cycle   

10:50-11:10 Narayanan V.L., Balan N.,
A statistical study of co-occurrence of spread F and sporadic E in the middle latitudes

11:10-11:30 Veretenenko S., Ogurtsov M.
Temporal variability of solar activity influences on the lower atmosphere and its possible reasons   

11:10-11:30 Lastovicka J., Progress in the analysis of long-term trends in the MLT region  

Legend: (K) = keynote talk;       (I) = invited talk

June 13 Thursday
Big hall

Chair: William Ward

09:30-09:55 Desai M.I., Dayeh M.A., Ebert R.W., Energetic particles in the heliosphere and their impacts on geospace (I)   

09:55-10:15 Malandraki O., Solar energetic particles: science and applications  

10:15-10:40 Genot V., and the CDPP team. Data management, analysis tools and science applications by the Plasma Physics Data Center (CDPP) (I)   

10:40-11:05 Funke B. Towards a better understanding of EPP effects on the middle atmosphere and climate (I)   

Chair: Lastovicka Jan

14:30-14:50 Tomikawa Y., Atmospheric response to solar proton events in the latest reanalysis data   

14:50-15:15 Török T., Sun-to-Earth MHD simulations of large solar eruptions (I)   

15:15-15:40 Dumbovic M., Utilizing galactic cosmic rays to understand the Sun-to-Earth evolution of CMEs (I)   

15:40-16:00 Gopalswamy N. , Akiyama S. , Mäkelä P. , Yashiro S. , Xie H., Solar energetic particle event associated with the 2017 September 6 coronal mass ejection   

Chair: Nat Gopalswamy

16:30-16:50 Zagainova Yu.S., Fainshtein V.G., Gromova L.I., Gromov S.V., Source regions identification and geophysical effects of stealth coronal mass ejections   

16:50-17:10 Zhang S., Erickson P., Coster A., Goncharenko L., Global observations of ionospheric responses to 6-10 Sept 2017 solar events: from solar flares to geomagnetic storms (I)   

17:10-17:35 Dobrica V., Demetrescu Cr., Greculeasa R., Stefan Cr., Surface electric field over Europe as hazardous response to the intense/severe geomagnetic storms of the solar cycle 24   

17:35-17:55 Krivolutsky A., Cherepanova L., Vyushkova T., Tuniyants T., Solar cycle in UV and its response in D-region (3D simulations)   


Legend: (K) = keynote talk;       (I) = invited talk

14 June Friday

Chair: Katya Georgieva

09:30-09:50 Clette F., Lefèvre L., Reconciling the sunspot and group number series      

09:50-10:10 Gopalswamy N., Mäkelä P., Yashiro S., Akiyama S., A Catalog of Interplanetary Type II Radio Bursts Observed by the Wind/WAVES Instrument   

10:10-10:30 Samwel S., Miteva R., Solar energetic electrons and radio emission signatures   

10:30-11:00 Makela P., Gopalswamy N., Yashiro S., Akiyama S., Xie H., Michalek G., Data catalogs available at the CDAW Data Center (I)   

11:30-12:00      Final discussion and closing of the symposium

12:00-16:30    Farewell barbecue
Legend: (K) = keynote talk;       (I) = invited talk