Meeting place
All require a passport valid for at least three (3) months from date of entry, and a visa for the duration of stay except for:
Citizens of all EU countries and some other countries (look below) can stay up to 30 days in Bulgaria without visa.
The rest should obtain a tourists visa (around 30 euro) from the closest Bulgarian embassy in Bulgaria or in the Schengen Area.
Currently Bulgaria issues national visas only. Those visas do not give their holders the right to enter the Schengen area.
Holders of Schengen visas will have the right to enter and reside in the Republic of Bulgaria for a period of no more than three months in any six-month period from the date of the first entry, without needing to have a Bulgarian short-stay visa.
A foreigner may enter the Republic of Bulgaria if he/she is a holder of a regular foreign travel document or another equivalent document as well as a visa if required.
Possession of airline tickets does not guarantee the granting of an entry visa. Travel arrangements and costs are solely at the applicant’s risk.
For more detailed and up-to-date Visa information, please look on
The Official Site of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Republic of Bulgaria
and/or Official Visa Requirements and/or
Visa Application Forms.
Note: Republic of Bulgaria has signed bilateral visa facilitation agreements with nine countries. These countries are: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYROM, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Russia and Ukraine. Look for details in the relevant consulate.