Contents of Volume 7, Issue 2
R.Werner , Sunspot Number Prognosis by an Autoregressive Model pp.75-80
P. Stoeva, A. Stoev, S. Kuzin. Solar Corona in White Light during Five Total Solar Eclipses pp.81-84
D. Maričić, B. Vršnak, D. Roša, D. Hržina , Coronal Mass Ejection of 26 February 2000: Complete analysis of the three-part CME structure pp.85-89
A. V. Suvorova, L.-C. Tsai, A. V. Dmitriev , On Magnetospheric Source for Positive Ionospheric Storms pp.91-96
Natalya A. Kilifarska , Ozone as a Mediator of Galactic Cosmic Rays’ Influence on Climate pp.97-102
Stoev A., Stoeva P., Kuzin S. ,Total Solar Eclipses and Atmospheric Boundary Layer Response pp.103-107
A.S. Leonovich, D.A. Kozlov , Slow Magnetosonic Waves Generated in the Plasmasphere by Ionospheric Terminator Motion pp.109-115
Gromozova E., Voychuk S., Grigoriev P., Vishnevsky V., Ragulskaya M. , Cosmic Rays as Bio-Regulator of Deep Time Terrestrial Ecosystems pp.117-120
Mariana Goranova, Bogdan Shishedjiev, Juliana Georgieva , Data-Intensive Scientific Management, Analysis and Visualization pp.121-126
Anatoly Gusev, Inacio M. Martin, Galina Pugacheva , The Soft X-Ray Emission of Nocturnal Atmosphere During the Descending Phase of 23rd Solar Cycle pp.127-131
Chernogor L. F., Garmash K. P., Podnos V. A., Rozumenko V. T., Tsymbal A. M., Tyrnov O. , The Upgraded Kharkiv V. N. Karazin National University Radiophysical Observatory pp.133-139
Atila Özgüc, Katya Georgieva Editorial Appreciation