Nat Gopalswamy, Pertti Mäkelä, Seiji Yashiro, Joseph M. Davila. The Relationship Between the Expansion Speed and Radial Speed of CMEs Confirmed Using Quadrature Observations of the 2011 February 15 CME
M. Mierla, D. Besliu-Ionescu, O. Chiricuta, C. Oprea, G. Maris. Studies of Coronal Mass Ejections that have Produced Major Geomagnetic Storms
Dibyendu Nandy, Andrés Muñoz-Jaramillo, Petrus C. H. Martens. All Quiet on the Solar Front: Origin and Heliospheric Consequences of the Unusual Minimum of Solar Cycle 23
Yurij Kyzyurov. Plasma Density Fluctuations in Turbulent Flows of Active Regions at the Solar Photosphere
Ilgin Şeker. Resonance between Alfven Waves and Planetary Tides on the Sun
M. Gigolashvili, N. Kapanadze. About Unusual Behavior of Some Narrow Band of Solar Spectral Irradiance During the Solar Cycles 21-23
L. Biktash. Statistical Study of Solar Wind Parameters and Evolution of Dst Variations during 19-23 Solar Ciles in Relation with Cosmic Ray Variations
V. Dobrica, C. Demetrescu, G. Maris. Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure and Magnetopause Stand-off Distance before the Instrumental Era
Simeon N. Asenovski. Estimation of the Three Components of the Solar Wind Energy throughout the Solar System
G. Belyaev, N. Bankov, B. Boychev, V. Kostin, E. Trushkina, O. Ovcharenko, Observation of Plasma Oscillating Structures in External Ionosphere Over Cyclones
Anatoly A. Gusev, Inacio M. Martin, On Possible Relation Between Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone Location and the Solar Cycles
B.Mendeva , D.Krastev, Ts.Gogosheva, B.Petkov, The UV Radiation and Total Ozone During Solar Eclipse