Contents of Volume 11, Issue 1

Atila Özgüç, Venera Dobrica Preface to the Vol.11, No. 1, 2016  …  …  …  …

… pp.5   
  1. Azzouzi, I., Migoya-Orue, Y. O., Coïsson, P., Amory Mazaudier, C., Fleury, R.,
    Radicella, S.M.
    . Day-to-day variability of VTEC and ROTI in October 2012 with
    impact of  high-speed solar wind stream on 13 October 2012
     …  …  … pp.07-22   

  2. Migoya-Orue, Y.O., Azzouzi, I., Coïsson, P., Amory Mazaudier, C. Fleury, R.,
    Radicella, S. M.
    . Ionospheric and magnetic signatures of a high speed solar wind
    in low latitudes on 13 October 2012
     …  …  …  …  …  …  …  …  … pp.23-35   

  3. Akiko Fujimoto, Teiji Uozumi, Shuji Abe, Hiroki Matsushita, Shun Imajo,
    Jose K. Ishitsuka, Akimasa Yoshikawa
    . Long-term EEJ variations by using
    the improved EE-index
     …  …  …  …  …  …  …  …  …  …  …  … pp.37-47   

  4. N.A. Baru, A.V. Koloskov, Y.M. Yampolsky, R.A. Rakhmatulin. Observations and
    analysis of the Ionospheric Alfven resonance mode structure in a complete 11-year solar cycle
     …  …  …  …  …  …  …  …  …  …  …  … pp.49-54   

  5. Vasil’eva L.A., Molodykh S.I., Kovalenko V.A. Spatial structure of connection
    between the troposphere heat content and variations in solar and
    geomagnetic activities
     …  …  …  …  …  …  …  …  …  …  …  … pp.55-59   

  6. Takahiro Obara , Haruhisa Matsumoto. Large enhancement of highly energetic electrons in the outer radiation belt and its transport into the inner radiation
    belt inferred from MDS-1 satellite observations
     …  …  …  …  …  …  … pp.61-64   

  7. H.J. Zhou, M. Hayakawa, Yu.P. Galuk, A.P. Nickolaenko. Conductivity profiles corresponding to the knee model and relevant SR spectra
     …  …  … pp.65-74   

  8. Earle Williams. Comments on: “11-year cycle in Schumann resonance data as observed in Antarctica” by Nickolaenko et al. (2015)
     …  …  …  …  …  … pp.75-76