Science Journals WEB Sites |
(On-Line) Abstracts Published this year with open Access Back Issues from 1994- Open to members Manuscript Submission |
(On-Line) Contents, Abstracts and Articles since April 1998 Manuscript Submission |
(On-Line) Contents, Abstracts and Articles since 1997 Papers are presented in HTML 3.2 with extensions supported by latest versions of WWW browsers like Netscape 4.7 and Internet Explorer 4.0. HTML is considered as a basic format used for structuring and linking all components of journal Preprints as well as reviews and original research papers published in Geophysical Papers Online, may be related to any of disciplines of Planetary Geophysics. Original research papers will pass through usual peer review process according to common rules accepted in scientific journals published by the Russian Academy of Sciences. Volume of papers is not limited strictly, papers containing components most specific for electronic journal (such as video and audio files, animated graphics, dynamical interactive models, interfaces to databases, etc.) will obtain highest priority and possible support. |
(On-Line) Biogeosciences (BG) is an international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of research articles, short communications and review papers on all aspects of the interactions between the biological, chemical and physical processes in terrestrial or extraterrestrial life with the geosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. The objective of the journal is to cut across the boundaries of established sciences and achieve an interdisciplinary view of these interactions. Experimental, conceptual and modelling approaches are welcome.
Biogeosciences has an innovative two-stage publication process which involves a scientific discussion forum and exploits the full potential of the Internet.
Dear Colleague,
We are pleased to announce the new Open Access (or free-to web) version of the EGU journal "Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS)". Please study the new web-site for all details concerning the renewed journal:
Papers under review are published in the sister journal "HESS-Discussions". This journal is not fully peer-reviewed but it is designed to allow an interactive public discussion of the latest developments in the field. A free alert service will inform you of the papers published in your areas of interest. All papers are available free on-line from the moment of publication. Publication is paid for by a small service charge with no extra cost for colour or additional material such as movies. Paper bound volumes and CD copies are available at low cost. During the initial period there is no service charge. Papers are published with a Creative Commons license which allows any number of electronic and paper copies to me made for non-commercial purposes. The authors and their employers retain copyright. We invite you to discuss this new journal with your colleagues and students and look forward to receiving your manuscripts from the start of 15 November 2004. Yours sincerely, Hubert Savenije, Murugesu Sivapalan and Kurt Roth Executive Editors of HESS |
Living Reviews in Solar Physics, a purely electronic, open access, refereed journal devoted to providing the community with high quality up-to-date reviews of all aspects of solar physics and related fields (primarily the Sun-Earth and the solar-stellar connection) is now online. The journal begins with two substantial and interesting articles, which you are invited to browse, download and read for free:
Living Reviews in Solar Physics articles provide sophisticated online functionalities. The journal is published by the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in cooperation with the Living Reviews BackOffice. There you can also order a Newsletter with which you will be notified when new orsubstantially updated articles are put online.
For a list of upcoming articles you can check
Aims and Scope It is the aim of the Central Online + Open Access Library (COOL) to provide an open online platform (reference library) and an open online reference and linking system (reference catalogue) for the scientific electronic publications of scientific associations and organisations. Thereby, only publications will be referenced and inter-linked for which the full reference, the abstract or summary, and the full text of the article are accessible online at no extra charge for readers. In this way, the Central Online + Open Access Library (COOL) fulfils the requirements of several national and international initiatives for free-access, online publications (e.g. BOAI, SPARC, FIGARO, etc.), and at the same time, it provides maximum visibility and impact for the authors and their research. |
ArXiv is an e-print service in the fields of physics, mathematics, non-linear science, computer science, and quantitative biology. The contents of arXiv conform to Cornell University academic standards. arXiv is owned, operated and funded by Cornell University, a private not-for-profit educational institution. ArXiv is also partially funded by the National Science Foundation. HELP on submitting and retrieving papers |
This server was established in the Fall 1995 and contains database of five Russian geophysical journals translated by AGU, Mirror site of the ICSU Press/UNESCO Expert Conference on Electronic Publishing in Science. |
This service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. We aim to cover all subjects and languages. There are now 608 journals in the directory. |
The Official Journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), a Scientific Committee of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) Journal covering meteorology and space studies of the Earth's surface includes the Cospar Information Bulletin. Request a paper sample copy. Issues of Advances in Space Research are available for COSPAR Associates at the special price of EUR 40 |
The journal covers the physical processes operating in the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere, magnetosphere, the Sun, interplanetary medium, and heliosphere. Phenomena occurring in other "spheres", solar influences on climate, and supporting laboratory measurements are also considered. The journal deals especially with the coupling between the different regions. Concerns itself with ' the interdisciplinary science of the Earth's atmospheric and space environment.' Sign the guestbook or download articles For information about conditions of sale, ordering procedures, and links to our regional sales offices, please read through our ordering information. EUR 161 for European countries |
Planetary and Space Science publishes original articles as well as short communications (letters). Ground-based and space-borne instrumentation and laboratory simulation of solar system processes are included. our ordering information EUR 306 for European countries |
A Journal for Solar and Solar–Stellar Research and the Study of Solar Terrestrial Physics. (14 issues), ISSN 0038-0938 Subscription rate: EUR 3315.00 / USD 3315.00 |
Kluwer publication focuses on space science. Search by keyword, learn the aims and scope, or browse a free sample copy. (24 issues), ISSN 0038-6308 Subscription rate: EUR 2085.00 / USD 2085.00 |