
Last update December 16, 2004

Must Visit

Observing the Earth

ESA has redesigned and relaunched its Observing the Earth Portal. The portal offers information and links to highlight the growing number of Earth Observation applications,and features a mass of information on the full scope of ESA remote sensing activities.
The site is certainly worth a visit for earth scientists.

EU CENTER is a non-profit initiative

EU CENTER is a non-profit initiative and it is maintained and managed by the Budapest based EUROPA MEDIA KHT. The primary aim of this website is to provide practical assistance to institutions of higher education, municipalities and small and medium-sized enterprises across Europe about EU funding opportunities. EU CENTER is a totally independent forum, mainly for potential project proposers and it is not linked neither related to the European Commission.
EU CENTER acts as a non-profit body, understands itself as a channel for bundling and uniting interested actors who wish to contribute to the establishment of an open civil society and democratic discourse throughout Europe. EU CENTER seves as a a link between organisation from all European countries having an emphasis specially on the connection between EU member states and Candidate Countries.
The aim of the association is the establishment of a Europe-wide co-operation environment among corporations, universities, government agencies, private companies and other organizations in order to increase the economical, business, social and political development and give support to the knowledge based, democratic civil society in Europe. A special emphasis is placed on aspects with respect to the consequences of the enlargement of the European Union, as well as in the development of the European strategies defined by its institutions.

Ocean Planet

Disclaimer: Ocean Planet is an educational, non-profit site with the sole purpose to inspire youngsters in the countries of the Black Sea region to take interest in Earth Sciences, and appreciate and better manage this ailing inland sea. All proceeds from any advertising on the site are reinvested into school projects and the improvement of the site. The financial accounts of the site will be 'open access' at the end of each financial year. For any questions or queries, please mail the contact below.
For most of us the expansive oceans are far from our daily lives, but they manage to control more aspects than we can imagine. Over the last decades they have been intensively probed and studied with the latest technological tools, and still we know more about the surface of Venus and the craters on the Moon, than the secrets of the abyss. Ocean Planet would like to take you on an endless journey of exploration and discovery, to peak through the eye of the latest satellites and dive to the deepest parts of the ocean; to examine most weird and unusual creatures and the extreme environments in which they sometimes live. Take a seat, open your mind and enjoy your unique

Launch in Bulgarian

The pan-European Researcher's Mobility Portal

The purpose of this Portal is to create a more favourable environment for career development opportunities for researchers in the European Research Area by providing the necessary structured information as proposed in the Communication "A Mobility Strategy for the European Research Area".
    The Portal provides access through links to a selection of international,European, national, regional and sectoral web resources covering:
  • General information about research fellowships and grants;
  • Research opportunities and job offers published by the different actors within the European research community (universities, industry, research organisations, foundations .);
  • Practical information about administrative and legal issues when moving from one country to another, as well as up to-date information about cultural and family-related aspects (housing, schooling, day-care, language courses, etc..);
  • General information about research policies relevant to the career development of researchers in Europe.
    In addition to the information provided through the above-mentioned links,the Portal also offers the following services:
  • Research organisations may advertise their research jobs and search for suitable candidate to recruit. The service is completely free of charge
  • Researchers may add their CVs to the Researcher's Mobility Job Database
  • The European network of mobility centres offers customised assistance to researchers and their families in all matters concerning their professional and daily lives.

The project is managed by the European Commission
  • Directorate General for Research,
  • Directorate D: The Human Factor, Mobility and
  • Marie Curie Actions.

Toward the Development of an Integrated Solar-Terrestrial Data Environment Added on December 16,2004

New requirements on data services and modeling capabilities imposed by new Sun-Earth system science research, such as the NASA Living With A Star (LWS) and the International Living With A Star (ILWS) Programs, will likely push existing data management technology to the limits. It is important for the space physics community to understand and provide input to the data-environment development process.
We are pleased to announce a website: http://dataenvi.gsfc.nasa.gov/ devoted to discussions on "Toward the Development of an Integrated Solar-Terrestrial Data Environment", the topic of a special session at the 2002 Fall AGU meeting. The website's objectives are to:
  • Capture existing information on the achievements and lessons-learned from current systems and services.
  • Provide a forum for continuing discussions on the scientific, technical, and programmatic issues concerning data system challenges that confront the space science community, and
    To that end, the website provides links to:
  • A few key documents resulted from past discussions on space physics data systems,
  • Presentations (invited, some contributed, and panel discussions) from the 2002 Fall AGU special session,
  • Existing data systems and services (will be updated as new systems become online), and
  • A multi-thread discussion utility to enable electronic community discussions.