First VarSITI General Symposium
June 6-10, 2016, Bulgaria


Plain Text submission Form

Important: You can send an abstract only after completing the form "Pre-registration"
You can apply for financial support only after you send your abstract

Recommendations for this Form: Most of Recommendations are to be able to print your abstract on half a page.

Up to 160 characters

Abstract Title: 

Up to 160 characters. Use numbers to refer to Affiliations. Place a space before this number.
Use "," (comma) to separate authors.


Each Affiliation is on a new row. The descriptions used to be the shortest possible. Place number (sequence number) exactly at the beginning of each row.


Up to 250 words. Subscript or Superscript will be ignored. Formulas and Images are disabled. Symbols differing from numbers, punctuation or letters of the English alphabet can be transmitted incorrectly

Abstract Body: 

After sending, please wait for response. It will appear on this screen.
You will have the opportunity to go back and correct something.

Your abstract will be recorded, only after confirmation..
You can check it on the page "Look at Abstracts"

Corresponding Author
Surname:  Forename: 
Just the names and E-mail with which you are pre-registered
Abstract Title:  


Abstract Body:

Please DO NOT include
the abstract title, authors' names or affiliations.

Please DO NOT press "Enter" at right margin of the text box, text will wrap automatically.
You can copy from MS-WORD
to Session:
You want your presentation to be