Special Edition:
Third UN/Ecuador Workshop on ISWI
October 8–12, 2012, Quito, Republic of Ecuador
Guest Editors:
Ericson D. López and Sharafat Gadimova
Chapter V: (continued)
Zh. Zhantayev, O. Kryakunova, N.Nikolayevskiy, B. Zhumabayev. Space Weather Research in Kazakhstan
. . . . . . pp.71-74
Sheila Serrano, Nicolás Vásquez, Pablo Jácome, Leonardo Basile. Critical Phenomena of Rainfall in Ecuador
. . . . . . pp.75-78
Chapter VI:
I. Dorotovič, E. Shahamatnia, M. Lorenc, M. Rybanský, R. A. Ribeiro, J. M. Fonseca. Sunspots and Coronal Bright Points Tracking using a Hybrid Algorithm of PSO and Active Contour Model
. . . . . . pp.81-84
J. Ishitsuka, A.Asai, S.Morita, R.Terrazas, D.Cabezas, V.Gutierrez, L.Martinez, Y.Buleje, R.Loayza, N.Nakamura, S.Takasao, Y.Yoshinaga, A.Hillier, K.Otsuji, K.Shibata, M.Ishitsuka, S.Ueno, R.Kitai, T.Ishii, K.Ichimoto, S.Nagata, N.Narukage. Within the International Collaboration CHAIN: a Summary of Events Observed with Flare Monitoring Telescope (FMT) in Peru
. . . . . . pp.85-96
Satoru UeNo, Kazunari Shibata, Satoshi Morita, Goichi Kimura, Ayumi Asai, Reizaburo Kitai, Kiyoshi Ichimoto, Shin’ichi Nagata, Takako Ishii, Yoshikazu Nakatani, Masashi Yamaguchi et al.. International Collaboration and Academic Exchange of the CHAIN Project in this Three Years (Period)
. . . . . . pp.97-103
I. Dorotovič, T. Pintér. Solar Radio Spectrometer CALLISTO in Hurbanovo - first results
. . . . . . pp.105-107
Chapter VII:
J.-P. Raulin, J. Tacza, E. Macotela, G. Fernandez. A New South America Electric Field Monitor Network
. . . . . . pp.111-114
Nemoto Shiomi, Itoh Shoichi, Agata Hidehiko, Zegarra Mario, Ishitsuka José , Choque Edwin , Quispe Adita, Kato Tsunehiko. Stereoscopic 3D Projections with MITAKA An Important Tool to Get People Interested in Astronomy and Space Science in Peru
. . . . . . pp.115-116
E. D. López. Establishment of the New Ecuadorian Solar Physics Phenomena Division