A.V.Stepanov, V.V.ZaitsevAcceleration, dynamics and emission of energetic particles in flare loops.
S.Gunasekera, J. Adassuriya, N. I. MedagangodaObservations of Hα line profiles in Be stars using 45 cm Cassegrain telescope at Arthur C Clarke Institute.
N. A. Kilifarska Mechanism of solar influence on the winter time polar atmosphere.
L.F.Chernogor, Ye.I.Grigorenko, V.N.Lysenko, V.T.Rozumenko, V.I.TaranIonospheric storms associated with geospace storms as observed with the Kharkiv incoherent scatter radar.
D.Valev, R.Werner, A.Atanassov, I. Kostadinov, G.Giovanelli, F.Ravegnani, A.Petritoli, D.Bortoli, E.Palazzi, T.MarkovaStatistical relationship of the NO2 slant column densities over Stara Zagora station and the solar F10.7 flux with consideration of the QBO phase.
Hamid M.K. Al-Naimiy, Ala A.J.Al-DouriInternational Heliophysical Year and Astronomy and Space Science Activities
in Arab States: Concentration on United Arab Emirates and Iraq.