
To post in the VarSITI newsletter


Articles/figures/photos can be emailed to the Newsletter Secretary, Ms. Mai Asakura (asakura[at]stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp). If you have any questions or problem, please do not hesitate to ask us.

Our newsletter has four categories of the articles:

1. Articles— Each article has a maximum of 500 words length and four figures/photos (at least two figures/photos). On campaign, ground observations, satellite observations, modeling, workshop/conference/symposium report, etc.

2. Highlights on young scientists— Each highlight has a maximum of 200 words length and two figures. On the young scientist’s own work related to VarSITI

3. Short news— Each short news has a maximum of 100 words length with one photo and a caption. Announcements of campaign, workshop, etc.

4. Meeting schedule