ROSMIC is organized into four working groups. These groups and their leaders are:
(1) Solar Influence on Climate: Bernd Funke (Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia, Spain),
Alexei Krivolutsky (Central Aero-logical Observatory, Russia), Tom Woods (LASP, USA).
(2) Coupling by Dynamics: Takuji Nakamura (National Institute of Polar Research,Japan),
Claudia Stolle (GFZ German Res. Centre for Geosciences, Germany), Erdal Yigit (George Mason University, USA).
(3) Trends in the MLT: Jan Laštovička (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, AS CR, Czech Republic),
Dan Marsh (NCAR, USA)
(4) Trends and Solar Influence in the Thermosphere:
Duggirala Pallamraju (Physical Research Laboratory, India), Stan Solomon (NCAR, USA)
Drivers of solar forcing: How well do we know their magnitude and variability?
Current activities:
Mechanisms and coupling processes:
How is the solar signal transferred down to the troposphere and surface?
Solar influence on climate:
What are the uncertainties in establishing the long-term effect?
Suggestions for WG1 members
Related upcoming Workshops, Conference Sessions, etc.
2014Key Science Questions
What are the influences of lower atmospheric waves on the state and evolution of the thermosphere/ionosphere?
How atmospheric dynamics constrain electro-dynamics in the ionosphere?
How can we characterize significance of small scale structures for the large-scale features in the upper atmosphere?
WG2 Members
Erdal Yigit (USA), Claudia Stolle (Germany), Takuji Nakamura (Japan)
Further members to be confirmed
Scientific collaboration/projects
List of topics/teams and core group members in them
- Winds: MLT wind trends and changes of trends with time and latitude, and relationship to stratospheric and upper thermospheric wind trends (Jacobi, Qian, Venkat Ratnam, Lastovicka, Miyoshi)
+ Waves: Long-term trends in gravity waves and tides and their contribution to decadal trends in the middle atmosphere (Keckhut, Venkat Ratnam, Schmidt)
- Temperature: long term trend of the temperature in the middle atmosphere, lower and upper thermosphere (Venkat Ratnam, Keckhut, Miyoshi)
- Heat budget and composition: long-term changes and solar cycle influence in the heat budget and composition of the middle atmosphere (Mlynczak, Miyoshi, ?Schmidt, Marsh)
- Sudden stratospheric warming (SSW): impacts of SSWs on the general circulation in the MLT region and its trends, and on other middle atmosphere decadal trends (Miyoshi, Keckhut, partly Lastovicka, partly Marsh)
- Vertical coupling of trends: reconciling observed trends in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere with those in the stratosphere and troposphere + relationship between stratospheric and ground trends (Lastovicka, Mlynczak, Keckhut, Marsh)
- PMC: Trends and solar cycle effects on mesospheric temperatures and PMCs at high latitudes in summer + long-term PMC data record from the SBUV/2 and OMPS/NPP satellite data (Berger, DeLand, H. Schmidt (later))
- Lower ionosphere trends connected with middle atmospheric changes (Jacobi, a bit Lastovicka)
- What is the long term trend of CO2 and O in the MLT region? (Qian)
- Role of extended solar minimum (23/24 cycle) on the middle atmosphere (Venkat Ratnam)
WG3 Members
Jan Laštovička, Dan Marsh, Jacobi, Qian, Keckhut, Venkat Ratnam, Schmidt, Miyoshi, Mlynczak,
Further members to be confirmed
A new program document called STARP (Solar Terrestrial Atmospheric Research Program) has been submitted to ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) for consideration for support of VarSITI programs.
1. Temperature trends derived from ISR are significantly larger than modeling and other observational results (click to see the picture in full size)
2. Do thermosphere trends have solar activity dependence?
3. Simulations of Solar Cycle Effects on Trends
Proposed meeting in September 2016 in Kuelungsborn for all working groups.
Activity has started on defining some campaign studies (Winter 2010, Winter 2015/2016) which would provide coordination and focus between the various working groups and linkages to the other VarSITI projects
- Data archives - what is an appropriate form and location? Are there
existing archives which are appropriate to use?
- event studies: interhemispheric coupling campaign from 16 to 31 January 2016 (contact: Kauro Sato). Is a broader time period (January 1 to March 1 for example) for a ROSMIC sponsored augmentation to this campaign appropriate? Kauro Sato will provide an initial description.
- Is the winter of 2012 a good target for model/model, model/observations, to explore warming dynamics and downward transport from the mesosphere (there was a warming and downward
transport during this time period). Erdel Yigit/Bernd Funke to discuss and provide a summary to discuss.
- CCMI (Chemistry Climate Model Intercomparison) - should ROSMIC play an active role in using these models to examine solar influences? Dan Marsh/Bernd Funke to investigate current activity in this area and provide a summary for the organization of these activities if it is considered appropriate.