
Meetings related to VarSITI in 2016

Received on Dec 17, 2015
Kalevi Mursula

Space Climate School and Symposium
March 30 to April 07, 2016, in Hotel Hullu Poro at Levi, Finland
(about 680N lat)

Space Climate School includes lectures and hands-on workshops, e.g., on several important long-term datasets of solar, space, geomagnetic and climate observations, and their analysis using, e.g., data mining, pattern recognition, time series and statistical methods.

School lecturers include(all confirmed), e.g., Rainer Arlt, Juan Banda, David Berghmans, Achim Drebs, Ilaria Ermolli, Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen, Juha Karvanen, Greg Kopp, Natalie Krivova, Ari Laaksonen, Ken McCracken, Aimee Norton, Jaan Pelt, and Alexey Pevtsov.

Note that students selected to Space Climate School will have free housing (and no fee).

Space Climate Symposium includes Sessions on "Solar dynamo as a driver of space climate", "Long-term solar activity", "Asymmetric Sun", "Extreme events in the Sun-Earth system", "Solar corona, solar wind and HMF", "Solar wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere interaction", "Solar Influence on atmosphere and climate", and a Topical Debate on Long-term sunspot activity.

Confirmed invited speakers include, e.g., Dan Baker, Joe Borovsky, Frederic Clette, Ingrid Cnossen, Nat Gopalswamy, Katya Georgieva, Hugh Hudson, Sheila Kirkwood, Greg Kopp, Natasha Krivova, Jon Linker, Ken McCracken, Florian Mekhaldi, Mari Paz Miralles, Martin Mlynczak, Ralph Neuhaeuser, Matt Owens, Dario Passos, Gordon Petrie, Alexei Pevtsov, Tuija Pulkkinen, Eugene Rozanov, Alexander Ruzmaikin, Kazunari Shibata, Jose Vaquero, Pekka Verronen, Jorn Warnecke, and Valentina Zharkova

Event Deadline
School application31 December 2015
Symposium early bird registration15 January 2016
Hotel accommodation at special price31 January 2016
Symposium abstract submission31 January 2016

Important deadlines   

For more information, see the symposium website http://www.spaceclimate.fi
For questions, contact: spaceclimate[at]spaceclimate.fi