Solar Data & Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- 1-min Solar X-ray Flux plot updates dynamically every minute
- ACE Real-Time Solar Wind Data (IMF, Temperature, Speed, Density, updates dynamically every minute
- Proton & Electron Fluxes, Estimated Kp-index updates dynamically every 5 minutes
- Today's Space Weather updated every 5 minutes
- GOES X-ray flux plot (1-8 Angstrom (0.1-0.8 nm)&0.5-4.0 Angstrom (0.05-0.4 nm)) updates dynamically every 5 minutes
- Auroral Activity Extrapolated from NOAA POES updated every 5 minutes
- Estimated Planetary K-index updates dynamically every 15 minutes.
- Space Weather NOW (Solar Wind Parameters, Auroral Map ) updated every 5 minutes with data averaged over last 15 minutes.
- Solar Cycle Progression (SunSpot Numner, F10.7 Radio Flux, Ap-index ) updated monthly
- 27 - Day Magnetic Activity Forecast updated every 15 minutes
- Solar Terrestrial Activity Report ( Solar Flux, Sunspot Number, Planetary A-index, Active solar regions (Recent map) and more ) updates every hour
- Real-time Cosmic Ray Variations (Moscow Neutron Monitor) updates every hour
- Cosmic Ray Activity Indices (Moscow Neutron Monitor) updates every hour
- Geophysical Situation Forecasting Center K-index, Magnetic Field Variations at Moscow, Wavelet Spectrum updates every 2 hours
- Hourly Equatorial Dst values( NEAR REAL TIME ) updates monthly
- AuroraWatch Real-time Activity updated every 15 minutes
- International Real-time Magnetic Observatory Network
- Troitsk, Russia (,) IZMIR-RAN K-index, Magnetic Field Variations at Moscow, Wavelet Spectrum updates every 2 hours
- Russia MOSCOW Observatory, Data Plots and Dynamic Spectra of the Geomagnetic Variations
- Kiruna Sweden (67.83, 20.42, 390) Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) updated every 5 minutes
Norway: updated every 4 minutes. - New Alesund(78.92, 11.93, 12),
- Tromso (69.67,18.95,105),
- Leknes ( , ),
- Dombaas (62.07, 9.12, 660)
- Wilhelmshaven Wingst (53° 44,6'N,9° 04,4')
- Antarctica Dumont Durville (-66.67,140.01,30)
- Antarctica Crozet/Port Alfred (-46.43,51.87,500)
- Antarctica Martin De Vivies (-37.83,77.57,50)
- Antarctica Port-aux -Francais (-49.35,70.22,50)
- Madagascar Antananarivo (-18.92,47.55,1375)
- Finland, Nurmijarvi (60.50,24.65) updated every 10th minute.
- Peru HUANCAYO MAGNETIC OBSERVATORY (-12.05,284.67,3313)-(MLat:-1.620,MLong:356.320 ) updates dynamically every minute
- Sweden Abisko: (68.36N,18.82E, )-(Mag.Lat:65.90, Mag.Long:115.36)
- Japan Kakioka (36.23,140.19,28)-(MLat:26.77, MLong:207.99)
Orbits of Operational Satellites
Near-Real-Time Space Weather Data