Space Climate Department
a part of Space Research and Technology Institute

All references to the publications of     Dimitar Danov
Period: : 1996 ÷ February 2018
Number cited publications: 15       Number of citation sources: 93

Year of publishing: 1996

1.L.G Bankov, G.A Stanev, A.K Vassileva, V.A Kirova, D.L Danov, W.B Hanson, R.A Heelis. A case study of subauroral ion drift velocity jets by means of dynamics explorer-2 and intercosmos bulgaria-1300 satellites data. Advances in Space Research, 17, 10, Elsevier, 1996, ISSN:0273-1177, DOI:10.1016/0273-1177(95)00713-O, 193-200. ISI IF:1.358

Cited in:

1. V. L. Khalipov, Yu. I. Galperin, A. E. Stepanov, L. V. Shestakova. Formation of a Polarization Jet during the Expansion Phase of a Substorm: Results of Ground-Based Measurements. Cosmic Research, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 226–235,   @2001
2. YI Galperin. Polarization jet: Characteristics and a model, Annales Geophysicae, 20 (3), pp.391-404,   @2002

Year of publishing: 2003

2.P. Nenovski, D. Danov, A. Bochev. On the field-aligned currents pattern formation in the magnetosphere. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 65, 16-18, ELSEVIER, 2003, ISSN:1364-6826, DOI:10.1016/j.jastp.2003.08.004, 1369-1383. ISI IF:1.326

Cited in:

3. Petko Nenovski (2012). Field-Aligned Current Mechanisms of Prominence Destabilization, Exploring the Solar Wind, Dr. Marian Lazar (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0339-4, InTech,   @2012

Year of publishing: 2005

3. Danov, D, Gousheva, M., Glavcheva, R., Angelov, P., Hristov, P.. Influence of Earthquakes on the Electric Field Disturbances in the Ionosphere on Board of the Intercosmos – Bulgaria – 1300 Satellite. Comptes rendus de l'Académie bulgare des Sciences, 58, 8, Publishing House "Prof. Marin Drinov", 2005, ISSN:13101331, 911-916. SJR:0.21, ISI IF:0.284

Cited in:

4. Klimenko, M.V., A. A. Namgaladze, V.V. Klimenko, V.V. Bryukhanov, Numerical simulation of electric field effects as earthquake precursors in the outer ionosphere of the Earth, Proceedings of IV International Conference Solar-terrestrial connections and physics of earthquake precursors, August 14 – 17, Paratunka, Kamchatka, 2007, pp. 313-318.,   @2007
5. Xuemin Zhang, Huaran Chen, Jing Liua Xuhui Shen, Yuanqing Miao, Xuebin Du, Jiadong Qian. Ground-based and satellite DC-ULF electric field anomalies around Wenchuan M8.0 earthquake. Advances in Space Research, Vol.50, Iss.1, pp.85–95,   @2012
6. Карпов М. И., Исследование ионосферных и термосферных эффектов мезомасштабных электрических полей методом компьютерного моделирования, Дисертация, МГТУ, 2016 г.,   @2016

Year of publishing: 2006

4.Gousheva, M., Glavcheva, R., Danov, D., Angelov, P., Hristov, P., Kirov, B., Georgieva, K.. Satellite monitoring of anomalous effects in the ionosphere probably related to strong earthquakes. Advances in Space Research, 37, 4, 2006, 660-665. ISI IF:1.358

Cited in:

7. Alexander A. Namgaladze, Oleg V. Zolotov, Mikhail I. Karpov, Yulia V. Romanovskaya Manifestations of the earthquake preparations in the ionosphere total electron content variations, Natural Science, Vol.4, No.11, 848-855 (2012) DOI:10.4236/ns.2012.411113,   @2012
8. Wang Yuanxin, Rong-Hong Jin, Xian-Ling Liang, Jun-Ping Geng, Propagation of SLF/ELF Electromagnetic Waves Excited by an Underground HED in the Lower Ionosphere, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 60(11):5412-5418 · November 2012, DOI:10.1109/TAP.2012.2207682,   @2012
9. Sidorova, L.N., Filippov, S.V.. Topside ionosphere He + density depletions: Seasonal/longitudinal occurrence probability (2012) Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics , 86, pp. 83-91,   @2012
10. Zolotov O.V., Namgaladze A.A., Prokhorov B.E., . Total electron content disturbances prior to Great Tohoku March 11, 2011 and October 23, 2011 Turkey Van earthquakes and their physical interpretation, Proceedings of the MSTU, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp.583-594,   @2012
11. Sorokin, V.M., Pokhotelov, O.A.. Model for the VLF/LF radio signal anomalies formation associated with earthquakes (2014) Advances in Space Research , 54 (12), pp. 2532-2539,   @2014
12. Wang, Y.-X., Zhao, Z.-W., Wu, Z.-S., Jin, R.-H., Liang, X.-L., Geng, J.-P.. Fast convergence algorithm for earthquake prediction using electromagnetic fields excited by SLF/ELF horizontal magnetic dipole and schumann resonance (2014) Wireless Personal Communications , 77 (2), pp. 1039-1053.,   @2014
13. Oleg V. Zolotov. Why Seismo-Ionosphere Speculations Do Matter, Proc. of IV International conference "ATMOSPHERE, IONOSPHERE, SAFETY", Kaliningrad, 2014, pp.256-262,   @2014
14. Sorokin, V., Chmyrev, V., Hayakawa, M. Electrodynamic coupling of lithosphere - atmosphere - ionosphere of the earth, 1-355, Nova Science Publishers, ISBN: 978-163483058-4;978-163483030-0,   @2015
15. A. A. Namgaladze, M. I. Karpov Conduction current and extraneous electric current in the global electric circuit, RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 9(5):754-757 · SEPTEMBER 2015, DOI: 10.1134/S1990793115050231,   @2015
16. V. M. Sorokin and Yu. Ya. Ruzhin, Electrodynamic Model of Atmospheric and Ionospheric Processes on the Eve of an Earthquake, ISSN 00167932, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 2015, Vol. 55, No. 5, pp. 626–642. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2015.,   @2015
17. Zolotov, O. V., Ionosphere quasistatic electric fields disturbances over seismically active regions as inferred from satellite-based observations: A review. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 9, issue 5, pp. 785-788,   @2015
18. O.V. Zolotov, ON QUASI-STATIC IONOSPHERE ELECTRIC FIELDS OBSERVATIONS OVER EARTHQUAKE PREPARATION REGIONS, Proc. of the 10th Intl Conf. “Problems of Geocosmos” (Oct 6-10, 2014, St.Petersburg, Russia),   @2015
19. Карпов, М. И., Исследование ионосферных и термосферных эффектов мезомасштабных электрических полей методом компьютерного моделирования, Дисертация, МГТУ, 2016 г.,   @2016
5.Gousheva, M., Glavcheva, R., Danov, D., Boshnakov, I.. Satellite Observations of Ionospherical Disturbances Associated to Seismic Activity. Comptes rendus de l'Académie bulgare des Sciences, 59, 8, Publishing House "Prof. Marin Drinov", 2006, ISSN:1310-1331, 821-826. SJR:0.21, ISI IF:0.284

Cited in:

20. Zolotov, O.V.. Ionosphere quasistatic electric fields disturbances over seismically active regions as inferred from satellite-based observations: A review (2015) Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B , 9 (5), pp. 785-788,   @2015
21. O.V. Zolotov, ON QUASI-STATIC IONOSPHERE ELECTRIC FIELDS OBSERVATIONS OVER EARTHQUAKE PREPARATION REGIONS, Proc. of the 10th Intl Conf. “Problems of Geocosmos” (Oct 6-10, 2014, St.Petersburg, Russia), pp.155-157,   @2015
6. D. Danov, E. E. Antonova, P. Nenovski. Scales of the field-aligned current structures in the high-latitude magnetosphere according to the Intercosmos-Bulgaria-1300 satellite data. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 46, 4, Springer, 2006, ISSN:0016-7932, DOI:10.1134/S0016793206040086, 467-472. ISI IF:0.492

Cited in:

22. S.S. Rossolenko, M.O. Riazantseva, I.P.Kirpichev, I.L. Ovchinnikov, K.G. Orlova, B.V. Marjin, M.A. Saveliev, V.M. Feigin, M.V.Stepanova. STRUCTURAL FEATURES OF AURORAL PRECIPITATIONS AND TOPOLOGY OF HIGH LATITUDE CURRENT SYSTEMS. Proc. XXXI Annual Seminar, Apatity, pp. 79- 82,   @2008
23. Knipp, D. J., T. Matsuo, L. Kilcommons, A. Richmond, B. Anderson, H. Korth, R. Redmon, B. Mero, and N. Parrish (2014), Comparison of magnetic perturbation data from LEO satellite constellations: Statistics of DMSP and AMPERE, Space Weather, 12, 2–23, doi:10.1002/2013SW000987,   @2014

Year of publishing: 2007

7. Danov, D., Koleva, R.. Field-Aligned Currents on Board of Intercosmos Bulgaria-1300 Satellite in Comparison with Modelled Large-Scale Currents. SUN and GEOSPHERE, 2, 1, 2007, ISSN:1819 - 0839, 39-42

Cited in:

24. Daum, Patrick and Denton, M.H. and Wild, J.A. and Taylor, M.G.G.T. and Safrankova, J. and Hayosh, M. A general Cluster data and global MHD simulation comparison. Annales Geophysicae, 26 (11). pp. 3411-3428,   @2008
25. L. Chen, D. J. Wu, J. Huang, Kinetic Alfvén wave instability driven by field-aligned currents in a low-β plasma, Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics, Vol.118, Iss.6, pp.2951–2957,   @2013
8.Gousheva, M., Danov, D., Hristov, P.. Ionospheric Pre- and Post Effects of Earthquakes at polar, Middle, Low and Near-Equatorial Latitudes. Comptes rendus de l'Académie bulgare des Sciences, 60, 9, Publishing House "Prof. Marin Drinov", 2007, ISSN:1310-1331, 939-946. SJR:0.21, ISI IF:0.284

Cited in:

26. Zolotov, O.V.. Ionosphere quasistatic electric fields disturbances over seismically active regions as inferred from satellite-based observations: A review (2015) Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B , 9 (5), pp. 785-788,   @2015
27. O.V. Zolotov, ON QUASI-STATIC IONOSPHERE ELECTRIC FIELDS OBSERVATIONS OVER EARTHQUAKE PREPARATION REGIONS, Proc. of the 10th Intl Conf. “Problems of Geocosmos” (Oct 6-10, 2014, St.Petersburg, Russia) pp.155-157,   @2015

Year of publishing: 2008

9.Gousheva, M., Glavcheva, R.P., Danov, D.L., Hristov, P.L., Kirov, B., Georgieva, K.. Electric field and ion density anomalies in the mid latitude ionosphere: Possible connection with earthquakes?. Advances in Space Research, 42, 1, Elsevier, 2008, ISSN:02731177, DOI:10.1016/j.asr.2008.01.015, 206-212. ISI IF:1.358

Cited in:

28. M. Akhoondzadeh, M. Parrot, M. R. Saradjian Electron and ion density variations before strong earthquakes (M> 6.0) using DEMETER and GPS data,   @2010
29. T. Xu, Y. Hu, J. Wu, Z. Wu, Y. Suo, J. Feng Giant disturbance in the ionospheric F2 region prior to the M8.0 Wenchuan earthquake on 12 May 2008,   @2010
30. V. Grimalsky, A. Kotsarenko, S. Pulinets, On the modulation of intensity of Alfvén resonances before earthquakes: Observations and model, J. of Atm. and Solar-Terr. Phy.. 72(1), pp.1–6,   @2010
31. Kiyoung Kim, Tornado Genesis,   @2010
32. X. Zhang, Z. Zeren, M. Parrot, R. Battiston, J. Qian, X. Shen ULF/ELF ionospheric electric field and plasma perturbations related to Chile earthquakes, Adv.Sp.Res., V47 (6), pp.991–1000,   @2011
33. T. Xu, Y. Hu, J. Wu, Z. Wu, C. Li, Z. Xu, Y. Suo. Anomalous enhancement of electric field derived from ionosonde data before the great Wenchuan earthquake, AdvSpRes, 47 (6), pp.1001–1005,   @2011
34. Zeng Hong, Zhu Guangwu, Qin Guotai, Chen Huajiao, Li Yongping. Abnormal variation of thermosphere atmospheric density during the period of big earthquake. Chin. J. Space Sci., 31(3): 318-322,   @2011
35. Al. A. Namgaladze, O. V. Zolotov, M. I. Karpov, Y. V. Romanovskaya, Manifestations of the earthquake preparations in the ionosphere total electron content variations, Natural Science, Vol.4, No.11, 848-855,   @2012
36. T Xu, Y Hu, H Zhang, Z Chen, J Wu, Z Xu, Ionospheric disturbances on 8 September, 2010: Was it connected with the incoming moderate Chongqing earthquake?, AdvSpRes, 50 (2), pp.205–210,   @2012
37. Zolotov O.V., Namgaladze A.A., Prokhorov B.E., Total electron content disturbances prior to Great Tohoku March 11, 2011 and October 23, 2011 Turkey Van earthquakes and their physical interpretation , Proceedings of the MSTU, Vol. 15(3), pp.583-594,   @2012
38. Aleksandra Nina, Vladimir M. Čadež , Lukač. Popović., Vladimir A. Srećković, Saša Simić, Differences In Detection of D-Region Perturbations Induced by the Uv, X And γ Radiation From Outer Space Using VLF Signals, Proc. of the IX Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference: Astroinformatics (IX BSACA) Sofia, Bulgaria, July 2-4, 2014, pp.137-147,   @2014
39. Oleg V. Zolotov. Why Seismo-Ionosphere Speculations Do Matter, Proc. of IV International conference "ATMOSPHERE, IONOSPHERE, SAFETY", Kaliningrad, 2014, pp.256-262,   @2014
40. Matova, M; Glavcheva, R; (2014). 120TH ANNIVERSARY OF SEISMOLOGY IN BULGARIA: MILESTONES, DEVELOPMENT AND ACHIEVEMENTS. Boletín de Geología, 36() 125-158.,   @2014
41. Mansouri Daneshvar, M.R., Tavousi, T., Khosravi, M.. Atmospheric blocking anomalies as the synoptic precursors prior to the induced earthquakes: a new climatic conceptual model (2015) International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology , 12 (5), pp. 1705-1718.,   @2015
42. O.V. Zolotov, ON QUASI-STATIC IONOSPHERE ELECTRIC FIELDS OBSERVATIONS OVER EARTHQUAKE PREPARATION REGIONS, Proc. of the 10th Intl Conf. “Problems of Geocosmos” (Oct 6-10, 2014, St.Petersburg, Russia) pp.155-157,   @2015
43. O.V. Zolotov, Ionosphere quasistatic electric fields disturbances over seismically active regions as inferred from satellite-based observations: A review, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 9(5), pp785-788,   @2015
10.Gousheva, M., Danov, D., Hristov, P., Matova, M.. Quasi-static electric fields phenomena in the ionosphere associated with preand post-earthquake effects. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 8, 1, 2008, 101-108. SJR:0.978, ISI IF:1.735

Cited in:

44. V.M. Chmyrev, V.M. Sorokin, Generation of internal gravity vortices in the high-latitude ionosphere, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 72(13), 992–996,   @2010
45. V.M. Sorokin, Yu.Ya. Ruzhin, A.K. Yaschenko, M. Hayakawa, Generation of VHF radio emissions by electric discharges in the lower atmosphere over a seismic region, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 73(5-6), 664–670,   @2011
46. X. Zhanga, Z. Zerena, M. Parrotc, R. Battistonb, J. Qiana, X. Shen, ULF/ELF ionospheric electric field and plasma perturbations related to Chile earthquakes, AdvSpRes, 47(6), pp.991–1000,   @2011
47. Xuemin Zhang, Huaran Chenb, Jing Liu, Xuhui Shen, Yuanqing Miao, Xuebin Du, Jiadong Qian, Ground-based and satellite DC-ULF electric field anomalies around Wenchuan M8.0 earthquake, AdvSpRes, 50(1), pp.85-95,   @2012
48. Valery Sorokin, Yuriy Ruzhin, Vladimir Kuznetsov, Alexey Yaschenko, Model of electric discharge formation in the lower atmosphere over a seismic region, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp.225-238,   @2012
49. X. Zhang, X. Shen, M. Parrot, Z. Zeren, X. Ouyang, J. Liu, J. Qian, S. Zhao, and Y. Miao, Phenomena of electrostatic perturbations before strong earthquakes (2005–2010) observed on DEMETER, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 75-83,   @2012
50. Yu. V. Romanovskaya, A. A. Namgaladze, O. V. Zolotov, N. A. Starikova, V. Z. Lopatiy., Searching for seismo-ionospheric earthquakes precursors: Total Electron Content disturbances before 2005-2006 seismic events,, 5 pages,   @2012
51. Zolotov O.V., Namgaladze A.A., Prokhorov B.E., . Total electron content disturbances prior to Great Tohoku March 11, 2011 and October 23, 2011 Turkey Van earthquakes and their physical interpretation, Proceedings of the MSTU, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp.583-594,   @2012
52. Vitaly Chmyrev, Alan Smith, Dhiren Kataria, Boris Nesterov, Christopher Owen, Peter Sammonds, Valery Sorokin, Filippos Vallianatos, Detection and monitoring of earthquake precursors: TwinSat, a Russia–UK satellite project, AdvSpRes, 52(6), pp.1135–1145,   @2013
53. Valery Sorokin, Masashi Hayakawa, Generation of Seismic-Related DC Electric Fields and Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling, Modern Applied Science, Vol 7, No 6 (2013), pp.1-25,   @2013
54. V.V. Denisenko, M. Ampferer, E.V. Pomozova, A.V. Kitaev, W. Hausleitner, G. Stangl, H.K. Biernat. On electric field penetration from ground into the ionosphere, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics (JASTP), Vol.102, pp.341–353,   @2013
55. Yang, X.-B., Zhou, C., Liu, J., Zhao, Z.-Y., Zhang, Y.-N.. A numerical study of seismic-related electric field in the ionosphere (2014) Chinese Journal of Geophysics (Acta Geophysica Sinica), 57 (11), pp. 3650-3658,   @2014
56. Oleg V. Zolotov. Why Seismo-Ionosphere Speculations Do Matter, Proc. of IV International conference "ATMOSPHERE, IONOSPHERE, SAFETY", Kaliningrad, 2014, pp.256-262,   @2014
57. V.M. Sorokin, O.A. Pokhotelov, Model for the VLF/LF radio signal anomalies formation associated with earthquakes, AdvSpRes, 54(12), pp. 2532–2539,   @2014
58. S. F. Zhao, X. M. Zhang, Z. Y. Zhao, and X. H. Shen, The numerical simulation on ionospheric perturbations in electric field before large earthquakes, Ann. Geophys., 32, 1487-1493,   @2014
59. E. V. Pomozov, Influence of the atmospheric surface layer on the penetration of the electric field from the earth’s surface into the ionosphere, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Vol.54, Iss.1, pp 127-134,   @2014
60. X. Zhang, X. Shen, S. Zhao, Lu Yao, X. Ouyang, J. Qian, The characteristics of quasistatic electric field perturbations observed by DEMETER satellite before large earthquakes, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, V.79, part A, pp.42–52,   @2014
61. Sorokin, V.M., Ruzhin, Y.Y.. Electrodynamic model of atmospheric and ionospheric processes on the eve of an earthquake (2015) Geomagnetism and Aeronomy , 55 (5), pp. 626-642. * A,   @2015
62. Sorokin, V., Chmyrev, V., Hayakawa, M. Electrodynamic coupling of lithosphere - atmosphere - ionosphere of the earth, 1-355, Nova Science Publishers, ISBN: 978-163483058-4;978-163483030-0,   @2015
63. Namgaladze, A.A., Karpov, M.I.. Conduction current and extraneous electric current in the global electric circuit (2015) Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B , 9 (5), pp. 754-757.,   @2015
64. O. V. Zolotov, Ionosphere quasistatic electric fields disturbances over seismically active regions as inferred from satellite-based observations: A review, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 9, Iss. 5, pp 785-788,   @2015
65. O.V. Zolotov, N QUASI-STATIC IONOSPHERE ELECTRIC FIELDS OBSERVATIONS OVER EARTHQUAKE PREPARATION REGIONS, Proc. of the 10th Intl Conf. “Problems of Geocosmos” (Oct 6-10, 2014, St.Petersburg, Russia),   @2015
66. Zhang, X., Shen, X., Zhao, S., Liu, J., Ouyang, X., Lou, W., Zeren, Z., He, J., Qian, G. The seismo-ionospheric monitoring technologies and their application research development, Acta Seismologica Sinica , 38 ( 3 ) pp. 356 - 375 . doi: 10.11939/jass.2016.03.004,   @2016
67. Wenjing Liu & Liang Xu, Statistical analysis of ionospheric TEC anomalies before global M w ≥ 7.0 earthquakes using data of CODE GIM, (2017) Journal of Seismology, Vol.21, iss.4, pp.759–775 DOI: 10.1007/s10950-016-9634-0,   @2017
68. Hugh E. Chung, "Low Frequency Electric Field Imaging", A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy , ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY August 2017,   @2017

Year of publishing: 2009

11.Gousheva, M., Danov, D., Hristov, P., Matova, M.. Ionospheric quasi-static electric field anomalies during seismic activity August–September 1981. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 9, 1, EGU, 2009, 3-15. SJR:0.978, ISI IF:1.735

Cited in:

69. Alexander A. Namgaladze, Oleg V. Zolotov, Mikhail I. Karpov, Yulia V. Romanovskaya Manifestations of the earthquake preparations in the ionosphere total electron content variations, Natural Science, Vol.4, No.11, 848-855 (2012) DOI:10.4236/ns.2012.411113,   @2012
70. Zolotov O.V., Namgaladze A.A., Prokhorov B.E., . Total electron content disturbances prior to Great Tohoku March 11, 2011 and October 23, 2011 Turkey Van earthquakes and their physical interpretation, Proceedings of the MSTU, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp.583-594,   @2012
71. Ghosh, D., Midya, S.K.. Associating an ionospheric parameter with major earthquake occurrence throughout the world (2014) Journal of Earth System Science , 123 (1), pp. 63-71,   @2014
72. Sorokin, V.M., Pokhotelov, O.A.. Model for the VLF/LF radio signal anomalies formation associated with earthquakes (2014) Advances in Space Research , 54 (12), pp. 2532-2539,   @2014
73. Midya, S.K., Gole, P.K.. Trend of major earthquakes during the period 1900-2011 and its association with some solar and geomagnetic parameters (2013) Indian Journal of Physics , 88 (1), pp. 1-4,   @2014
74. Alexander A. Namgaladze, Mikhail I. Karpov. On the Conductivity and External Electric Currents in the Global Electric Circuit. Proc. of IV International conference "ATMOSPHERE, IONOSPHERE, SAFETY", Kaliningrad, 2014, pp.10-12,   @2014
75. Oleg V. Zolotov. Why Seismo-Ionosphere Speculations Do Matter, Proc. of IV International conference "ATMOSPHERE, IONOSPHERE, SAFETY", Kaliningrad, 2014, pp.256-262,   @2014
76. Карпов Михаил Иванович, Формирование мезомасштабного электрического поля в ионосфере в периоды подготовки землетрясений, Труды Кольского научного центра РАН, № 6 (32) / 2015, pp.87-92,   @2015
77. Петко Неновски. КАТАСТРОФАЛНИТЕ ЗЕМЕТРЕСЕНИЯ И ПОУКИТЕ ОТ ТЯХ, Списание на БАН, 1/2015, pp.31-39,   @2015
78. Sorokin, V.M., Ruzhin, Y.Y.. Electrodynamic model of atmospheric and ionospheric processes on the eve of an earthquake, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy , 55 (5), pp. 626-642.,   @2015
79. Sorokin, V., Chmyrev, V., Hayakawa, M. Electrodynamic coupling of lithosphere - atmosphere - ionosphere of the earth, 1-355, Nova Science Publishers, ISBN: 978-163483058-4;978-163483030-0,   @2015
80. Namgaladze, A.A., Karpov, M.I.. Conduction current and extraneous electric current in the global electric circuit (2015) Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B , 9 (5), pp. 754-757.,   @2015
81. O.V. Zolotov, ON QUASI-STATIC IONOSPHERE ELECTRIC FIELDS OBSERVATIONS OVER EARTHQUAKE PREPARATION REGIONS, Proc. of the 10th Intl Conf. “Problems of Geocosmos” (Oct 6-10, 2014, St.Petersburg, Russia) pp.155-157,   @2015
82. Namgaladze Aleksandr, Mikhail Karpova, Maria Knyazeva. "Aerosols and seismo-ionosphere coupling: A review", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics DOI:,   @2018
83. Jivkov V, Natarajan V, Paneva A, Philipoff P (2017) "Forecasting of Strong Earthquakes M>6 According to Energy Approach". J Earth Sci Clim Change 8: 433. doi: 10.4172/2157-7617.10004,   @2018

Year of publishing: 2012

12.Gousheva, M., Danov, D., Hristov, P.. Statistical Study of the Quasi-Static Electric Field Anomalies in the Upper Ionosphere Related to Seismic Activity above Different Tectonic Structures of the Earth. Comptes rendus de l'Académie bulgare des Sciences, 64, 9, Publishing House "Prof. Marin Drinov", 2012, ISSN:1310-1331, 1249-1260. SJR:0.21, ISI IF:0.284

Cited in:

84. Петко Неновски. КАТАСТРОФАЛНИТЕ ЗЕМЕТРЕСЕНИЯ И ПОУКИТЕ ОТ ТЯХ, Списание на БАН, 1/2015, pp.31-39,   @2015
85. Zolotov, O.V.. Ionosphere quasistatic electric fields disturbances over seismically active regions as inferred from satellite-based observations: A review (2015) Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B , 9 (5), pp. 785-788,   @2015
86. O.V. Zolotov, ON QUASI-STATIC IONOSPHERE ELECTRIC FIELDS OBSERVATIONS OVER EARTHQUAKE PREPARATION REGIONS, Proc. of the 10th Intl Conf. “Problems of Geocosmos” (Oct 6-10, 2014, St.Petersburg, Russia) pp.155-157,   @2015

Year of publishing: 2013

13.Elena Saiz, Yolanda Cerrato, Consuelo Cid, Venera Dobrica, Pavel Hejda, Petko Nenovski, Peter Stauning, Josef Bochnicek, Dimitar Danov, Crisan Demetrescu, Walter D. Gonzalez, Georgeta Maris, Dimitar Teodosiev, Fridich Valach. Geomagnetic response to solar and interplanetary disturbances. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 3, Article Number A26, 3, 2013

Cited in:

87. Stepanova, M., Valdivia, J.A., Contribution of Latin–American scientists to the study of the magnetosphere of the Earth. A review, Advances in Space Research, 58 (10) 1968-1985. DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2016.03.023.,   @2016
88. Vázquez, M., Vaquero, J.M., Gallego, M.C., Roca Cortés, T., Pallé, P.L., Long-Term Trends and Gleissberg Cycles in Aurora Borealis Records (1600–2015), Solar Physics, 291 (2) 613–642.,   @2016
89. JIN W., ZHANG X.-X., SONG Y., HE F., LI L.-G., YU C., LÜ J.-T., XIAO Z.-N., Progress of research on the effect of geomagnetic activity on climatic elements, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 60(4), 1276-1283. DOI: 10.6038/cjg20170404.,   @2017

Year of publishing: 2015

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